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How can I diversify my bike ride?

Regular bike rides are both a good workout and a great way to spend time. At some point, however, you may not find it as exciting as before. In this article, we've put together some tips to help you get the drive back from cycling.

There are many ways to diversify your bike ride and make it more interesting and enjoyable. Here are a few ideas:

Try a new route

Mix things up by trying a new route or exploring a different area on your bike. This can help make your ride more interesting and keep things fresh. 

Scenic routes: Look for routes that take you through beautiful natural areas or along scenic roads. This can make your ride more enjoyable and allow you to take in the sights and sounds of the outdoors.

Off-road routes: If you have a mountain bike or other off-road capable bike, try exploring trails or dirt roads. This can add some variety and challenge to your rides.

Urban routes: Explore your city or town on your bike and discover new neighborhoods and landmarks. Urban routes can be a great way to get some exercise and see your community in a new way.

Hilly routes: If you want to add some challenge to your rides, look for routes with hills. This can help you improve your strength and endurance.

Long distance routes: Consider planning a longer ride or bike tour to explore a new area or challenge yourself. This can be a great way to see new places and push your limits.

Listen to music or a podcast: 

Bring along some bluetooth speaker for bike and listen to music or a podcast while you ride. This can help pass the time and make your ride more enjoyable. 

Here are three podcasts that may be enjoyable to listen to while cycling:

  • The Cycling Podcast: This podcast is focused on professional cycling and covers news, interviews, and analysis from the world of pro cycling.
  • The Outspoken Cyclist: This podcast features interviews with cycling enthusiasts, experts, and industry professionals, as well as tips and advice for recreational cyclists.
  • Bicycle Story: This podcast tells the stories of people who have been transformed by cycling, whether it be for transportation, fitness, or adventure. The stories are often inspiring and can be motivating to listen to while riding.

Try a different type of bike: 

Experiment with different types of bikes, such as a road bike, mountain bike, or cruiser, to change up the feel of your ride.

Join a group ride: 

Consider joining a group ride or bike club to ride with other people and socialize while you ride.

Train for an event:

Set a goal and train for a specific event, such as a charity ride or race. This can provide some structure and motivation to your rides. Choose a specific event and set a goal for yourself, such as completing a certain distance or finishing in a certain time. Develop a training plan that includes regular rides and specific workouts to help you prepare for the event. Be sure to consider your current fitness level and goals when creating your plan. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your rides over time to build your endurance and strength. Avoid overdoing it and be sure to include rest and recovery days in your training schedule.

Mix things up by trying different types of rides, such as hills, intervals, or long distance rides. This can help you improve your overall fitness and prepare for the demands of the event. Make sure you have the proper equipment, such as a well-maintained bike and proper clothing and gear, to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. Consider joining a training group or finding a cycling coach or mentor to help you stay motivated and on track with your training.

Plan a bike tour:

Consider planning a longer bike tour or vacation to explore a new area on your bike. Here are three bike tours that may be of interest to you:

  1. The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route: This off-road tour takes riders through the Rocky Mountains from Canada to Mexico, covering a distance of approximately 2,700 miles. This tour is known for its challenging terrain and remote location, and is suitable for experienced riders.
  2. The Pacific Coast Highway: This coastal tour takes riders along the Pacific Coast Highway from Vancouver, Canada to Tijuana, Mexico, covering a distance of approximately 1,800 miles. The tour is mostly on-road and follows a mix of rural and urban routes, making it suitable for a wide range of riders.

The Trans America Trail: This off-road tour takes riders across the United States, from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast, covering a distance of approximately 4,200 miles. The tour features a mix of dirt roads, forest trails, and single track, and is suitable for experienced riders.

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